The Journey was commissioned by the Ethiopia Ministry of Culture and Tourism under the 'Ethiopia Sustainable Tourism Development Program' to develop a national tourism marketing strategy and tourism brand for Ethiopia, as well as regional marketing plans for 5 key tourism regions in Ethiopia. The Government recognises the potential economic opportunities offered by tourism and the need to promote the many positive attributes on offer and engaged The Journey to provide guidance regarding the future tourism marketing direction and to develop a tourism destination brand of the country. This culminated in the development of a brand strategy with a brand essence "Land of Origins" and an accompanied visual identity (logo) and brand book as well as a national marketing strategy with an implementation action plan

Ethiopia offers travelers a wonderful array of ancient historical, natural and cultural wonders and experiences. Locations like Lake Tana (source of the Blue Nile), the palace city of Gondar, the spectacular Simien mountains, the ancient empire city of Axum, the cliff top churces of Tigrai, the incredible rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, the lakes of the Rift Valley, the Danikel depression and Afar desert, the Bale Mountains National Park, the unique indigenous cultural diversity of the Omo Valley and many other places offer the traveler an amazing journey of discovery. Developing the marketing strategy and brand entailed extensive field visits, interviews with hundreds of local stakeholders, workshops with tourism leaders in Ethiopia and research among the international travel trade and consumers. The national and regional tourism marketing strategies guide the activities of the Ethiopia Tourism Organsiation over the next 5 years and the proposed brand identity will aim at promoting the country as a cohesive and unique tourism experience
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